
savageness israel

These are the photos of Israel Barbarism on Palestine. The pictures speak for themselves.

Photo of an Israeli soldier pointing gun at a terrified child in front of his father and mother. Is the soldier still human or a heartless monster?

Photo of a dead child killed by Israel.

Photo of a dead baby killed by Israel

Photo of an American and English women killed by Israel soldiers.

Israel is keep taking Palestinian land. That is why the Palestinians which is called “Terrorists” by Israel and its cronies fight the Israel back.

Israel can killed the Palestinians with illegal clustered missiles and chemical weapons launched from jet fighters and helicopters that supplied by US government. Israel can kill Palestine children and babies as much as they want without any sanction with support of US government.

US government give billions of dollar from US Taxpayers to Israel.

US government will veto every resolution that condemn Israel Barbarism because no one could be US president without the support of US Jewish millionaires’ fund and mass media (such as CNN).

Israel bomb UN School that killed 34 children without invasion sanction such as US do in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not even economic sanction that Iran received from US Government.

Who will help the children and babies of Palestine from Israel Barbarism?

Please spread these photos (in www.islammyreligion.wordpress.com) to your friend an family. Don’t let them die without people know or remember.

Israel propagandists are very good. They slaughter Palestinians. Yet they succeed convincing people that the victims are the terrorists.

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